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Few Homoeopathic and Medical Pointers

 Personal Diary of Dr. Harkawal Jeet Singh

A few Homoeopathic and Medical Pointers by Dr. Harkawal Jeet Singh


  • Depression Anxiety Tension : Reckeweg Vita-C 15 -1-1-1 for one month 
  • With sleep disturbances; R 14
  • For old age- ambra grisea
  • Helplessness feeling - cadmium sulph 30
  • with overwork - coca 30
  • low self moral - kali brom 30
  • suicidal tendency - aurum met 30
  • sadness - ignatia amara 30
  • haunting of past - nat mur 1m weekly
  • parturition - cimicifuga
  • Extreme mental or physical weekness with diabetes - acid phos 30
  • during menopause - sepia 30
  • with skin infection - zincum met 30
  • with impotency - gels 30
  • with apathy - nobody doing for us and we will not do anything for anyone - acid phos 30
  • with extreme anxiety - ars alb 30


Hypothyroidism and Hyperthyroidism Simple Differentiating Points:

Hypothyroidism: Low thyroid i.e. underactive thyroid.

Diagnosis: High TSH and Low thyroid hormones t3, t4

Hyperthyroidism: Overactive thyroid. too much thyroid hormone produced.

Diagnosis: Low TSH and high thyroid hormones t3, t4

Medicine for Hyperthyroidism and Hypothyroidism

  • For Hyperthyroidism: Thyroidinium 30  
  • For Hypothyroidism: Thyroidinum 6x


Blood tests for Diabetes:

Hemoglobin A1C test (HbA1c):

1. HBA1C (glycated haemoglobin) is average blood sugar level for 2-3 months.
It is made when sugar sticks to rbc's. Body is unable to use the sugar properly and it sticks to blood cells and is built up in the blood. The reading of hba1c is taken every three months as the rbc's are active for round about 2-3 months. This should be less than 5.7%
  • Normal: Below 5.7%
  • Prediabetes: 5.7-6.4%
  • Diabetes: 6.5% or more.
2. Sugar - Fasting and PP
3. Urine - Routine and Microscopy
4. Urine Microalbumin
5. Urea and Creatinine
6. Lipid Profile

Fasting Blood Sugar: 

  • Normal: Less than 100 mg/dl
  • Prediabetes: 100-125 
  • Diabetes: More than 125

Postprandial Test: i.e. two hours after the meals

  • Normal: Less than 140 mg/dl
Little Explanation for Blood Sugar levels:
Glucose tolerance test
  • fasting sample is taken which should be less than 100
  • After the test, 75 gm glucose is given to patient and then after 2 hours it should be less than 140
Normal for Healthy People:
Fasting = 8 hour fasting = less than 100 mg  /dl
PP after 2 hours of eating normal = less than 140 mg/dl

For diabetic patients;
Target 80 -130 mg/dl fasting
(These values are from glucometer not lab, and, there could be due to error and finger prick
finger glucose is 15% higher than venous blood)
pp after 2 hour eating =less than 180 from glucometer
hba1c = less than 7 should be target. (As the low sugar is also dangerous.)

Pre diabetic
Fasting 100-125
pp 140-200
hba1c 5.7 - 6.5%

Insulin deficiency - Diabetes mellitus. Insulin decreases blood sugar level.
Insulin Target Organs: Liver, skeletal muscles, adipose tissues (fat)
Type 1 = Insulin is used only
Type 2 = Medicine + Insulin (Start with medicine after that if medicine not works then insulin is needed.)
Insulin Delivery:
Insulin Pen ( No pain, Patient himself can use it), You can keep it in your pocket. No need to keep in fridge.  (Cartridge after opening, keep it up to 30 degree temperature.)


  • Thiosinaminum 3x tds



  • Mix Plantago Q , Kreosotum Q , Calendula Q  (All 30 ml) Then put it in 100 ml bottle. Then take 20 drops from that bottle to a cotton and  apply on the affected tooth. Don't swallow. Don't drink. Don't take inside. (i.e. it is for external use only)
  • For Internal use, Take Belladonna 30, Coffea 30 tds for 3 days. 

MYOPIA = MINUS number (near vision clear, far vision blurred.)

Hyperopia / Hypermetropia = PLUS number
(near vision blurred, far vision clear.)
Refractive Error.

Astigmatism = Cylinder.

Presbyopia =  Accomodation Error. Reading Number, After 40 Years. (PLUS NUMBER)

Lens is usually flexible and is able to focus the near and far things.

  • Bakson B 69 drops 10 drops tds
  • Gnaphalium Polycephalum 30 (schwabe india) 1 drop tds

  • bc 8 tds / Bakson b3 drops tds /Aloe 30 nv 30

Uric acid increased - gout - pain and inflammation in joints. Toes of foot mostly. Redness, swelling and pain increases and stays for 7-10 days = acute gout.
Normal uric acid = less than 6 
if more than gout chances are increased. 
Mostly in old males and females.
Tophi is severe gout. it produces hard uric acid masses (bumps of urate crystals get deposited) formed over tissues and joints under the skin.
Higher chances in Diabetes, obesity, kidney disorder, blood pressure, genetic tendency, higher lipid level or some kind of medication used for blood pressure , diuretics, dehydration, degenerative arthiritis etc.
Non vegetarian, meet, sea food, high dose sugar, fructose, soda drinks, alcohol, beer etc are not good. 
green vegetables, fruits, vitamin c fruits are good.
  • Gyan mudra for brain and mind
  • Surya mudra for weight loss


Important Notice and Disclaimer: This post is only for the reference of Homoeopathic Medical Practitioners and not for the general public. If you are not a Homoeopathic Doctor, Kindly leave this page. This post is just for the information and for my personal reference. Never Self Medicate. Never take any Homoeopathic medicine without the prescription of a registered Homoeopathic Practitioner.


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